Jennies Magic Grout Cleaner

Available in a 500ml refillable spray bottle or a one litre container.

Jennie decided to put her Magic Grout Cleaner on the market after her friends and family were so impressed with the results from the product which Jennie manufactures herself.
Jennie is aware of the damage caused by inhaling the toxic fumes from cleaning products and decided to make a range of natural cleaning products and skincare.
The Magic Grout Cleaner removes soap scum, water deposits and shower scale and cleans glass and taps.
Just spray the grout with Magic Grout Cleaner, lightly brush, clean and rinse.
Nature Provides uses natural ingredients and essential oils that are biodegradable, anti-bacterial and natural disinfectants.


1 litre of Magic Grout Cleaner          $20.00 
1 litre of double strength Magic Grout Cleaner      $40.00.   

500ml of Magic Grout Cleaner in a refillable spray bottle     $12.00   
Note: Postage is the same for the 1 ltr double strength grout cleaner as the 1ltr normal strength but once diluted will make two litres that can be put into any spray bottle.

***Payment can be made by CREDIT CARD or with PAYPAL.
Please note that PayPal orders are handled through

Above Ground Level Toys, another family business.***